mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 10:55:31 +00:00
Compact: Migrate to Handlebars.
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,21 +12,21 @@
<h1>{{ r.name }}</h1>
<div id="contact">
{% if (r.contact.email) { %}<div class="email"><a href="mailto:{{ RAW.contact.email }}">{{ RAW.contact.email }}</a></div>{% } %}
{% if (r.contact.phone) { %}<div class="phone">{{ r.contact.phone }}</div>{% } %}
{% if (r.contact.website) { %}<div class="website"><a href="{{ RAW.contact.website }}">{{ RAW.contact.website }}</a></div>{% } %}
{{#if r.contact.email}}<div class="email"><a href="mailto:{{ RAW.contact.email }}">{{ r.contact.email }}</a></div>{{/if}}
{{#if r.contact.phone}}<div class="phone">{{ r.contact.phone }}</div>{{/if}}
{{#if r.contact.website}}<div class="website"><a href="{{ RAW.contact.website }}">{{ r.contact.website }}</a></div>{{/if}}
{% if ( r.info.brief && r.info.brief.length ) { %}
{{#if r.info.brief}}
<section id="summary">
{{ r.info.brief }}
{% } %}
{% if ( r.skills && r.skills.sets && r.skills.sets.length ) { %}
{{#if r.skills}}
<section id="skills">
<h2><span class="fa fa-code"></span> Skills</h2><hr>
@ -39,121 +39,124 @@
{% r.skills.sets.forEach( function( skillset ) { %}
{{#each r.skills.sets}}
<td style="width: 25%;">{{ skillset.name }}</td>
<td class="keywords">{{ skillset.skills.join(', ') }}</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">{{ name }}</td>
<td class="keywords">{{#each skills}}{{ this }} {{/each}}</td>
{% }); %}
{% } %}
{% if ( r.employment && r.employment.history ) { %}
{{#if r.employment}}
<section id="employment">
<h2><span class="fa fa-building" style="vertical-align: top;"></span> Employment</h2><hr>
{% r.employment.history.forEach( function( proj, idx, ar) { %}
{% if( idx < 4 ) { %}
<h3><em>{{ proj.position }}</em>, {{ filt.link( proj.employer, proj.url ) }} <span class="tenure">{{ proj.safe.start.format('YYYY-MM') }} — {{ proj.safe.end.format('YYYY-MM') }}<span></h3>
<p style="clear: both;">{{ proj.summary }}</p>
{% if( proj.highlights ) { %}
{{#each r.employment.history }}
{{#compare @index 4 operator="<"}}
<h3><em>{{ position }}</em>,
{{#if url }}
<a href="{{ url }}">{{ employer }}</a>
{{ employer }}
<span class="tenure">{{formatDate safe.start 'YYYY-MM' }} — {{formatDate safe.end 'YYYY-MM' }}<span></h3>
<p style="clear: both;">{{ summary }}</p>
{{#if highlights}}
{% proj.highlights.forEach( function( high, idx, ar) { %}
<li>{{ high }}</li>
{% }); %}
{{#each highlights}}
<li>{{ this }}</li>
{% } %}
{% } else { %}
{{#compare @index 4 operator=">="}}
{% if( idx === 4 ) { %}
<h3>Previously... <span class="tenure">{{ r.employment.history[ r.employment.history.length - 1 ].safe.start.format('YYYY') }} — {{ proj.safe.end.format('YYYY') }}<span></h3>
<p style="clear: both;">Prior to {{ r.employment.history[ 3 ].employer }}, I worked on a range of projects for companies large and small.</p>
{{#compare @index 4 operator="=="}}
<p style="clear: both;">Prior to {{ employer }}, I worked on a range of projects for companies large and small.</p>
{% } %}
<li>{{ position }}, {{ employer }}</li>
<li>{{ proj.position }}, {{ proj.employer }}</li>
{% if( idx === ar.length - 1 ) { %}
{{#if @last}}
{% } %}
{% } %}
{% }); %}
{% } %}
{% if ( r.education && r.education.history ) { %}
{{# if r.education}}
<section id="education">
<h2><span class="fa fa-mortar-board"></span> Education</h2><hr>
{% r.education.history.forEach( function( edu, idx, ar) { %}
<h3>{{ edu.institution }} <span class="tenure">{{ edu.safe.start.format('YYYY') }} — {{ edu.safe.end.format('YYYY') }}<span></h3>
{% }); %}
{{#each r.education.history}}
<h3>{{ institution }} <span class="tenure">{{formatDate safe.start 'YYYY' }} — {{formatDate safe.end 'YYYY' }}<span></h3>
{% } %}
{% if ( r.service && r.service.history && r.service.history.length ) { %}
{{#if r.service}}
<section id="volunteer">
<h2><span class="fa fa-child" style="vertical-align: top;"></span> Service</h2><hr>
{% r.service.history.forEach( function( vol, idx, ar ) { %}
<h3><em>{{ vol.position }}</em>, {{ filt.link(vol.organization, vol.url) }} <span class="tenure">{{ vol.safe.start.format('YYYY') }} — {{ vol.safe.end.format('YYYY') }}<span></h3>
<p style="clear: both;">{{ vol.summary }}</p>
{% if( vol.highlights ) { %}
{{#each r.service.history}}
<h3><em>{{ position }}</em>,
{{#if url}}
<a href="{{ url }}">{{ organization }}</a>
{{ organization }}
<span class="tenure">{{formatDate safe.start 'YYYY' }} — {{formatDate safe.end 'YYYY' }}<span></h3>
<p style="clear: both;">{{ summary }}</p>
{{#if highlights}}
{% vol.highlights.forEach( function( high, idx, ar) { %}
<li>{{ high }}</li>
{% }); %}
{{#each highlights}}
<li>{{ this }}</li>
{% } %}
{% }); %}
{% } %}
{% if( r.writing && r.writing.length ) { %}
{{#if r.writing}}
<section id="publications">
<h2><span class="fa fa-book"></span> Writing</h2><hr>
{% r.writing.forEach( function( pub, idx, ar ) { %}
<h3><em>{{ filt.link( pub.title, pub.url ) }}</em>, {{ pub.publisher }} <span class="tenure">{{ pub.safe.date.format('YYYY') }}</span></h3>
{% if (pub.summary) { %}{{ pub.summary }}{% } %}
{% }); %}
{{#each r.writing }}
<h3><em>{{#if url}}<a href="{{ url }}">{{ title }}</a>{{else}}{{ title }}{{/if}}</em>,
{{ publisher }} <span class="tenure">{{formatDate safe.date 'YYYY'}}</span></h3>
{{# if summary}}{{ summary }}{{/if}}
{% } %}
{% if( r.recognition && r.recognition.length ) { %}
{{# if r.recognition}}
<section id="awards">
<h2><span class="fa fa-trophy"></span> Awards</h2><hr>
{% r.recognition.forEach( function( award, idx, ar) { %}
<h4><span class="res-label">{{ award.title }}</span>, {{ award.from }} <span class="tenure">{{ award.safe.date.format('YYYY') }}</span></h4>
{{ award.summary }}
{% }); %}
{{#each r.recognition}}
<h4><span class="res-label">{{ title }}</span>, {{ from }} <span class="tenure">{{formatDate safe.date 'YYYY' }}</span></h4>
{{ summary }}
{% } %}
@ -1,54 +1,84 @@
# {{ r.name }}
{{ r.name }}
{{#if r.contact.email }}Email: {{{ r.contact.email }}}{{/if}}
{{#if r.contact.phone }}Tel: {{{ r.contact.phone }}}{{/if}}
{{#if r.contact.website }}Web: {{{ r.contact.website }}}{{/if}}
{% if (r.contact.email) { %}Email: {{ r.contact.email }}{% } %}
{% if (r.contact.phone) { %}Tel: {{ r.contact.phone }}{% } %}
{% if (r.contact.website) { %}Web: {{ r.contact.website }}{% } %}
{{#if r.info.brief }}{{{ r.info.brief }}}{{/if}}
{% if ( r.info.brief && r.info.brief.length ) { %}{{ r.info.brief }}{% } %}
{{#if r.skills}}
{% if ( r.skills && r.skills.sets ) { %}
## Skills
{% r.skills.sets.forEach( function( set, idx, ar) { %}
- **{{ set.name }}**: {{ set.skills.join(', ') }}
{% }); } %}
{{#each r.skills.sets}}
- {{{ name }}}: {{#each this.skills}}{{{ this }}} {{/each}}
{% if ( r.employment.history && r.employment.history.length ) { %}
## Employment
{% r.employment.history.forEach( function( proj, idx, ar) { %}
### *{{ proj.position }}*, {{ proj.employer }}
<small>{{ proj.safe.start.format('MMM YYYY') }} — {{ proj.safe.end.format('MMM YYYY') }}</small>
{{ proj.summary }}
{% if( proj.highlights ) { %}{% proj.highlights.forEach( function( high, idx, ar) { %}
- {{ high }}
{% }); } }); } %}
{{#if r.employment}}
{% if ( r.education.history && r.education.history.length ) { %}
## Education
{% r.education.history.forEach( function( edu, idx, ar) { %}
### {{ edu.institution }} ({{ edu.safe.start.format('MMM YYYY') }} — {{ edu.safe.end.format('MMM YYYY') }})
{{ edu.area }}
{% if( edu.curriculum ) { %}{% edu.curriculum.forEach( function( course, idx, ar) { %}
- {{ course }}
{% }); } }); } %}
{{#each r.employment.history }}
{{#compare @index 4 operator="<"}}
### {{{ position }}}, {{{ employer }}} ({{formatDate safe.start 'YYYY-MM' }} -- {{formatDate safe.end 'YYYY-MM' }})
{{{ summary }}}
{{#if highlights}}
{{#each highlights}}
- {{{ this }}}
{% if ( r.writing && r.writing.length ) { %}
## Publications
{% r.writing.forEach( function( pub, idx, ar) { %}
### {{ pub.title }} ({{ pub.safe.date.format('MMM YYYY') }})
{{ pub.publisher }}
{{ pub.summary }}
{% }); } %}
{{#compare @index 4 operator=">="}}
{{#compare @index 4 operator="=="}}
### Previously...
Prior to {{{ employer }}}, I worked on a range of projects for companies large and small.
- {{{ position }}}, {{{ employer }}}
{% if ( r.service.history && r.service.history.length ) { %}
## Volunteer
{% r.service.history.forEach( function( vol, idx, ar) { %}
### {{ vol.organization }} ({{ vol.safe.start.format('MMM YYYY') }} — {{ vol.safe.end.format('MMM YYYY') }})
{{ vol.summary }}
{% }); } %}
{{#if r.education}}
{% if ( r.recognition && r.recognition.length ) { %}
## Recognition
{% r.recognition.forEach( function( awd, idx, ar) { %}
### *{{ awd.title }}*, {{ awd.from }} ({{ awd.safe.date.format('MMM YYYY') }})
{{ awd.summary }}
{% }); } %}
{{#each r.education.history}}
### {{{ institution }}} ({{formatDate safe.start 'YYYY-MM' }} — {{formatDate safe.end 'YYYY-MM' }})
{{#if summary }}
{{{ summary }}}
{{#if courses}}
{{#each courses}}
- {{{ this }}}{{/each}}{{/if}}
{{#if r.writing}}
{{#each r.writing}}
### {{{ title }}} ({{formatDate safe.date 'YYYY-MM' }})
{{{ summary }}}
{{#if r.service }}
{{#each r.service.history}}
### {{{ organization }}} ({{formatDate safe.start 'YYYY-MM' }} — {{formatDate safe.end 'YYYY-MM' }})
{{{ summary }}}
{{#if highlights}}
{{#each highlights}}
- {{{ this }}}
{{#if r.recognition}}
{{#each r.recognition}}
### {{{ title }}}, {{{ from }}} ({{formatDate safe.date 'MMM YYYY' }})
{{{ summary }}}
@ -13,21 +13,21 @@
<h1>{{ r.name }}</h1>
<div id="contact">
{% if (r.contact.email) { %}<div class="email"><a href="mailto:{{ r.contact.email }}">{{ r.contact.email }}</a></div>{% } %}
{% if (r.contact.phone) { %}<div class="phone">{{ r.contact.phone }}</div>{% } %}
{% if (r.contact.website) { %}<div class="website"><a href="{{ r.contact.website }}">{{ r.contact.website }}</a></div>{% } %}
{{#if r.contact.email}}<div class="email"><a href="mailto:{{ RAW.contact.email }}">{{ r.contact.email }}</a></div>{{/if}}
{{#if r.contact.phone}}<div class="phone">{{ r.contact.phone }}</div>{{/if}}
{{#if r.contact.website}}<div class="website"><a href="{{ RAW.contact.website }}">{{ r.contact.website }}</a></div>{{/if}}
{% if ( r.info.brief && r.info.brief.length ) { %}
{{#if r.info.brief}}
<section id="summary">
{{ r.info.brief }}
{% } %}
{% if ( r.skills && r.skills.sets && r.skills.sets.length ) { %}
{{#if r.skills}}
<section id="skills">
<h2><span class="fa fa-code"></span> Skills</h2><hr>
@ -40,121 +40,124 @@
{% r.skills.sets.forEach( function( skillset ) { %}
{{#each r.skills.sets}}
<td style="width: 25%;">{{ skillset.name }}</td>
<td class="keywords">{{ skillset.skills.join(', ') }}</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">{{ name }}</td>
<td class="keywords">{{#each skills}}{{ this }} {{/each}}</td>
{% }); %}
{% } %}
{% if ( r.employment && r.employment.history ) { %}
{{#if r.employment}}
<section id="employment">
<h2><span class="fa fa-building" style="vertical-align: top;"></span> Employment</h2><hr>
{% r.employment.history.forEach( function( proj, idx, ar) { %}
{% if( idx < 4 ) { %}
<h3><em>{{ proj.position }}</em>, {{ filt.link( proj.employer, proj.url ) }} <span class="tenure">{{ proj.safe.start.format('YYYY-MM') }} — {{ proj.safe.end.format('YYYY-MM') }}<span></h3>
<p style="clear: both;">{{ proj.summary }}</p>
{% if( proj.highlights ) { %}
{{#each r.employment.history }}
{{#compare @index 4 operator="<"}}
<h3><em>{{ position }}</em>,
{{#if url }}
<a href="{{ url }}">{{ employer }}</a>
{{ employer }}
<span class="tenure">{{formatDate safe.start 'YYYY-MM' }} — {{formatDate safe.end 'YYYY-MM' }}<span></h3>
<p style="clear: both;">{{ summary }}</p>
{{#if highlights}}
{% proj.highlights.forEach( function( high, idx, ar) { %}
<li>{{ high }}</li>
{% }); %}
{{#each highlights}}
<li>{{ this }}</li>
{% } %}
{% } else { %}
{{#compare @index 4 operator=">="}}
{% if( idx === 4 ) { %}
<h3>Previously... <span class="tenure">{{ r.employment.history[ r.employment.history.length - 1 ].safe.start.format('YYYY') }} — {{ proj.safe.end.format('YYYY') }}<span></h3>
<p style="clear: both;">Prior to {{ r.employment.history[ 3 ].employer }}, I worked on a range of projects for companies large and small.</p>
{{#compare @index 4 operator="=="}}
<p style="clear: both;">Prior to {{ employer }}, I worked on a range of projects for companies large and small.</p>
{% } %}
<li>{{ position }}, {{ employer }}</li>
<li>{{ proj.position }}, {{ proj.employer }}</li>
{% if( idx === ar.length - 1 ) { %}
{{#if @last}}
{% } %}
{% } %}
{% }); %}
{% } %}
{% if ( r.education && r.education.history ) { %}
{{# if r.education}}
<section id="education">
<h2><span class="fa fa-mortar-board"></span> Education</h2><hr>
{% r.education.history.forEach( function( edu, idx, ar) { %}
<h3>{{ edu.institution }} <span class="tenure">{{ edu.safe.start.format('YYYY') }} — {{ edu.safe.end.format('YYYY') }}<span></h3>
{% }); %}
{{#each r.education.history}}
<h3>{{ institution }} <span class="tenure">{{formatDate safe.start 'YYYY' }} — {{formatDate safe.end 'YYYY' }}<span></h3>
{% } %}
{% if ( r.service && r.service.history && r.service.history.length ) { %}
{{#if r.service}}
<section id="volunteer">
<h2><span class="fa fa-child" style="vertical-align: top;"></span> Service</h2><hr>
{% r.service.history.forEach( function( vol, idx, ar ) { %}
<h3><em>{{ vol.position }}</em>, {{ filt.link(vol.organization, vol.url) }} <span class="tenure">{{ vol.safe.start.format('YYYY') }} — {{ vol.safe.end.format('YYYY') }}<span></h3>
<p style="clear: both;">{{ vol.summary }}</p>
{% if( vol.highlights ) { %}
{{#each r.service.history}}
<h3><em>{{ position }}</em>,
{{#if url}}
<a href="{{ url }}">{{ organization }}</a>
{{ organization }}
<span class="tenure">{{formatDate safe.start 'YYYY' }} — {{formatDate safe.end 'YYYY' }}<span></h3>
<p style="clear: both;">{{ summary }}</p>
{{#if highlights}}
{% vol.highlights.forEach( function( high, idx, ar) { %}
<li>{{ high }}</li>
{% }); %}
{{#each highlights}}
<li>{{ this }}</li>
{% } %}
{% }); %}
{% } %}
{% if( r.writing && r.writing.length ) { %}
{{#if r.writing}}
<section id="publications">
<h2><span class="fa fa-book"></span> Writing</h2><hr>
{% r.writing.forEach( function( pub, idx, ar ) { %}
<h3><em>{{ filt.link( pub.title, pub.url ) }}</em>, {{ pub.publisher }} <span class="tenure">{{ pub.safe.date.format('YYYY') }}</span></h3>
{% if (pub.summary) { %}{{ pub.summary }}{% } %}
{% }); %}
{{#each r.writing }}
<h3><em>{{#if url}}<a href="{{ url }}">{{ title }}</a>{{else}}{{ title }}{{/if}}</em>,
{{ publisher }} <span class="tenure">{{formatDate safe.date 'YYYY'}}</span></h3>
{{# if summary}}{{ summary }}{{/if}}
{% } %}
{% if( r.recognition && r.recognition.length ) { %}
{{# if r.recognition}}
<section id="awards">
<h2><span class="fa fa-trophy"></span> Awards</h2><hr>
{% r.recognition.forEach( function( award, idx, ar) { %}
<h4><span class="res-label">{{ award.title }}</span>, {{ award.from }} <span class="tenure">{{ award.safe.date.format('YYYY') }}</span></h4>
{{ award.summary }}
{% }); %}
{{#each r.recognition}}
<h4><span class="res-label">{{ title }}</span>, {{ from }} <span class="tenure">{{formatDate safe.date 'YYYY' }}</span></h4>
{{ summary }}
{% } %}
@ -1,50 +1,90 @@
A plain text resume template for FluentCV's "compact" theme.
{{ r.name }}
{% if (r.contact.email) { %}Email: {{ r.contact.email }}{% } %}
{% if (r.contact.phone) { %}Tel: {{ r.contact.phone }}{% } %}
{% if (r.contact.website) { %}Web: {{ r.contact.website }}{% } %}
{{#if r.contact.email }}Email: {{{ r.contact.email }}}{{/if}}
{{#if r.contact.phone }}Tel: {{{ r.contact.phone }}}{{/if}}
{{#if r.contact.website }}Web: {{{ r.contact.website }}}{{/if}}
{{#if r.info.brief }}{{{ r.info.brief }}}{{/if}}
{% if ( r.info.brief && r.info.brief.length ) { %}{{ r.info.brief }}{% } %}
{{#if r.skills}}
SKILLS -------------------------------------------------------------------------
{{#each r.skills.sets}}
- {{{ name }}}: {{#each this.skills}}{{{ this }}} {{/each}}
{% if ( r.skills && r.skills.length ) { %}SKILLS
{% r.skills.forEach( function( skill ) { %}
- {{ skill.name }}: {{ skill.level }}
{% }); } %}
{{#if r.employment}}
EMPLOYMENT ---------------------------------------------------------------------
{% if ( r.employment.history && r.employment.history.length ) { %}EMPLOYMENT
{% r.employment.history.forEach( function( proj, idx, ar) { %}
{{ proj.employer }} ({{ proj.safe.start.format('YYYY-MM') }} — {{ proj.safe.end.format('YYYY-MM') }})
{{ proj.summary }}
{% if( proj.highlights ) { %}{% proj.highlights.forEach( function( high ) { %}
- {{ high }}
{% }); } }); } %}
{{#each r.employment.history }}
{{#compare @index 4 operator="<"}}
{{{ position }}}, {{{ employer }}} ({{formatDate safe.start 'YYYY-MM' }} -- {{formatDate safe.end 'YYYY-MM' }})
{{{ summary }}}
{{#if highlights}}
{{#each highlights}}
- {{{ this }}}
{% if ( r.education && r.education.history ) { %}EDUCATION
{% r.education.history.forEach( function( edu, idx, ar) { %}
{{ edu.institution }} ({{ edu.safe.start.format('YYYY-MM') }} — {{ edu.safe.end.format('YYYY-MM') }})
{{ edu.summary }}
{% if( edu.courses ) { %}{% edu.courses.forEach( function( course ) { %}
- {{ course }}
{% }); } }); } %}
{{#compare @index 4 operator=">="}}
{{#compare @index 4 operator="=="}}
Prior to {{{ employer }}}, I worked on a range of projects for companies large and small.
- {{{ position }}}, {{{ employer }}}
{% if ( r.service && r.service.history ) { %}VOLUNTEER
{% r.service.history.forEach( function( srv, idx, ar) { %}
{{ srv.organization }} ({{ srv.safe.start.format('YYYY-MM') }} — {{ srv.safe.end.format('YYYY-MM') }})
{{ srv.summary }}
{% if( srv.highlights ) { %}{% srv.highlights.forEach( function( high ) { %}
- {{ high }}
{% }); } }); } %}
{{#if r.education}}
EDUCATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------
{% if ( r.writing && r.writing.length ) { %}WRITING
{% r.writing.forEach( function( wri, idx, ar) { %}
{{ wri.title }} ({{ wri.safe.date.format('YYYY-MM') }})
{{ wri.summary }}
{% }); } %}
{{#each r.education.history}}
{{{ institution }}} ({{formatDate safe.start 'YYYY-MM' }} — {{formatDate safe.end 'YYYY-MM' }})
{{#if summary }}
{{{ summary }}}
{{#if courses}}
{{#each courses}}
- {{{ this }}}{{/each}}{{/if}}
{{#if r.writing}}
WRITING ------------------------------------------------------------------------
{{#each r.writing}}
{{{ title }}} ({{formatDate safe.date 'YYYY-MM' }})
{{{ summary }}}
{{#if r.service }}
SERVICE ------------------------------------------------------------------------
{{#each r.service.history}}
{{{ organization }}} ({{formatDate safe.start 'YYYY-MM' }} — {{formatDate safe.end 'YYYY-MM' }})
{{{ summary }}}
{{#if highlights}}
{{#each highlights}}
- {{{ this }}}
{{#if r.recognition}}
RECOGNITION --------------------------------------------------------------------
{{#each r.recognition}}
{{{ title }}}, {{{ from }}} ({{formatDate safe.date 'MMM YYYY' }})
{{{ summary }}}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user